woensdag 28 augustus 2013

WIPW: Some assembly required

How nice that you are here again to check out what I am up to this week!
I want to start with thanking you big time for all the comments you leave me. I love getting them, but I realize I do not regularly respond to them all (questions I always answer in a response comment, so please check back if you have asked a question!) nor thank you for them.
I try to visit and comment back, but time... Oh, how we all wish for an eight day/36 hour week.
That would leave more time for crochet! ;) So on with WIPW!
I have one project to show you today.

This pile of pieces is the result of some weeks of committed crocheting... I am proud of my lovely strips, but next time I would probably make then thicker. That would ease crocheting, especially on the thin parts the many color changes make a challenge sometimes. :)

What you see in this picture above, of course does not look like anything. But I finished crocheting on these, so I can show you what they are supposed to become!

These are my two Spanish cats! At this moment they are a perfect puzzle to shift around with...
There is some assembly required! :)
I don't know if I had given you the link to the pattern, but for sudden bursts of inspiration: here it is. It is in Spanish... But you can figure it out.

Friday you can of course expect to see the end result of this.
But 'till then Tami's Amis is there to give some fiber-y inspiration.

Geen opmerkingen:

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