woensdag 11 september 2013

WIPW: Granny Squares

Hi everyone! I totally missed last week... I started a new study and all things related came in the way. But I have not done nothing! :)

I have started a project that I view as a truly crochet project :P
I have started on a granny square blanket!

This is what I have so far! My squares are 16x16cm (over 6") and as of now I have 7.
But I will make about 140-150: I want a big, big blanket :)

At the same time I am working on something so tiny...

FreshStitches has another CAL... A Tiny-a-long this time! I am making several mini-animals (and hope to finish them... :| ), and this will turn out the smallest... I am not even using yarn! I use embroidery floss and a 1,5mm hook. I'd love to go even smaller, but I did not have a smaller hook :P

I have more projects going, and others finished... The other WIPs did not have pictures at the moment, you will either see them next WIPW or in a soon to be FOF. The FOs, of course, you will see soon appearing in a FOF.
Seeing that my roster has changed, delays in posts may happen a little more frequently over the next weeks, although I hope to find out how to automatically have post uploaded...

But I try to see that I have a nice post for you to see on Friday; hope to see you back then! :)
Tami's Amis is your source of more yarny projects.

PS. Looking for the Dutch translation of this post? It has been delayed for today... Bare with me, it will be here some time later today!

2 opmerkingen:

  1. A "Tiny-Along" ... I love that!! Although I'm not 100% sure I'm ready to start crocheting embroidery floss!

  2. I cannot believe you can crochet so small. That is amazing!
