zondag 20 oktober 2013

MM: Back again...

Hi everyone...
You didn't expect that, a post on Monday, right?

On insistance from my sister I am reintroducing Meow Monday... With a little twist...
Yes, I will show off cute pictures of my cat, Poes, and my sister's cat, Muffin, I mean, what do you expect? She has a secondary motive!
But beside that we will keep up with the crochet-theme of my blog: every Monday I will share a crochet pattern and maybe even an occasional knitting pattern.... Very cat related, of course!

So, ready for some cat cuteness?
How it all began...

The top little one is Poes, the bottom one is a seductive Muffin...
Aren't they the cutest? ;)

Now, we can move on to something more crochet-y.

For our first cat pattern, we of course take the most famous crocheted cat!
Amineko! Never heard of him? I can hardly believe that...

He is a cute little fellow, right?

And, even better... He has a big brother! Amari-san.

Both patterns are available on Ravelry.

You will have to make an account to get access to them... But I can assure you: making that account is worth the trouble! You will get access to millions of patterns, and certainly thousands of cat patterns!

Bring it on with the cat cuteness!

For today we will end with the girl to whom you all own your thank you's for Meow Monday:

My sister...

See you on Wednesday!

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