vrijdag 27 december 2013

CrochetPlush Give Away!

Like I said in my FOFriday post: today is a special day and we need to celebrate!

So... This is what I came up with:
I have often gotten comments on my posts (they are highly appreciated! Thank you for them!) and quite some come from knitters/non-crocheters...
When I was thinking about how to celebrate my blog-milestone, this is what I came up with:

I am hosting a give away!

What will be included in the give away?
1 A crochet animal, made just for you!
2 Some yarn-y related goodies
3 Lots of love and thankfulness!

What do you need to do in order to participate?
Well, I thought I'd settle one thing, for once and for all...
In order to participate I'd like you comment on this post and state, who cuter?

  Or Poes:

Then... On Meow Monday I will have the computer draw a number... And the lucky responder with that number will receive a nice package to be shipped before the end on January...

Respond to this post
State who is the cutest cat
Everyone can enter!
=> That includes: both Dutch and international entries, little sisters [vote doesn't count though!], family, friends and all others... Even if you have never visited this blog before... Feel free to enter!

I hope you will humor me and respond to this post... Then in my 101th post, maybe you will proof to be the lucky one!

ETA: I never realized how many thanks I own to Tami's Amis... No linking post on her side, decreases my page views rapidly... So Thanks, Tami! For all the readers you have brought me!
I have decided to extend this give away for another week!

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Hard choice, but I have to say Muffin :) I'm partial to fluffy kitties.

  2. Happy birthday and congratulations on your blog achievements!!
    I have a thing for black cats...so it's Poes!

    Chloe (carfis11 on Ravelry)

  3. I have to go with Muffin! <3 All that adorable cute fluffiness - how could I resist?!
    (Missworld on Ravelry)
