zondag 2 februari 2014

SBS: January's Yarn Drama

Hi everyone... I skipped FOF this week, as I did not manage to get finished what I wanted. But we have this post to make up for that! :)

Let's recap January's attempt to Stash Busting...
It was hopeless, this is my final score:
Stash: 64 vs. Me: 7

Just dramatic, isn't it?
I have had five custom orders recently, and had to buy the yarn for that.

Doesn't it all look yummie? I thought so! 
So I have no regrets whatsover, as I love my yarns :)

But I have made up my mind: for the rest of the year I am not buying any yarn!
The only acceptable exceptions to this concern custom orders and yarn for blankets at the moment that I really need it.

So, let's see how I do, right?
I have started February just right, as I scored two points for me! I will show you on what next Wednesday, hopefully I will see you then! :)

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