Hi there! Time to get back into the blogging regime...
So, today is Sunday and that calls for an Stash Busting-post. And luckily that isn't as depressing as it was last time I did a recap of a month.
The current score is as follows:
Stash vs. Me
January: 62 vs. 7 > shame on me!
February: 0 vs. 10 > still looking good! :)
Year to Day Total: 62 vs. 17
So slowly I am coming back to really using yarn instead of just buying ;)
Also my mom lend a helping hand. She has now finished 12 Earlybirds:
Quite a collection, not? She is proud of it, but has now moved on to other projects. But she gave me 7 point, which is the majority of this month. ;)
I have been crocheting a lot myself, but I have yet to calculate my yarn-usage... Thus, this is not yet taken into account with my score.
If you happen to visit on Wednesday or Friday next week you will certainly see the reasonable amounts of yarn I have used!
Hope to see you then!
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