vrijdag 5 september 2014

FOF: Monster Time

Hi everyone! It is FOFriday again and I found some lovely FOs to share with you.
I decided to take one recent project and one from as early as June.

Let's start with my little Mini Monster, that I started on Wednesday and finished already! He's mini afterall...

Isn't this little thing the cutest? It is the newest pattern from Monster's Toy Box and although I am not a monster kinda-girl I do love this little thing. This one certainly won't be the last one I make!

Then my older project, most likely my first FO without a blogpost from this summer, and it is very summer-y indeed!

Ice cream! If you happen to remember one of my last blogposts (which I don't really expect of you, don't worry!), you'd know that this is my own hand-dyed yarn (and if you didn't, you know now!).
I very much liked the yarn already, but I certainly like how it works up. And it is perfect for an ice cream! Wouldn't you want to eat her? This pattern also is from Monster's Toy Box, one which I love very much.

I hope you have enjoyed this week's projects, I certainly will be back with more!
Check out Tami's Amis if you have the time, afterall she invented FOFridays.

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